Sport & Athlete Performance, Strength, & Conditioning (SAPSC)

“The Stronger Athlete Wins”


Strength and conditioning for athletes, whether you compete in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, wrestling, mma, track, CrossFit, rowing, triathlons, et cetera. If you want to perform your best in any sport, this program is for you.

I use multi-plane compound movements to simulate the demands placed on an athlete and try to replicate the stresses and physical situations a player will face in sport and/or competitions. By combining high intensity movements with a comprehensive strength, speed, and conditioning program, the result is a training program that is unparalleled in the industry.

The SAPSC program is designed to work for all players regardless of age or experience. The loads, distances, times, intensity, and programming can be scaled, and the program has been designed to meet the needs of athletes at all levels of training advancement.

*Serious & Dedicated Applicants Only
*Sessions consist of groups of 2-4 athletes

  • 1 session a week = $85/month
  • 2 sessions a week = $135/month
  • 3 sessions a week = $195/month
  • 4 sessions a week = $245/month